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Mother Heart CD featuring Songs for the Sacred Feminine by Hildegard of Bingen
Mother Heart
Songs for the Sacred Feminine by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Susan Lincoln

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Mother Heart is a stunningly beautiful collection of Saint Hildegard’s songs by a classically trained and highly accomplished singer. It is also the ideal music for relaxing, the perfect music for yoga and highly conducive music for meditation. As St. Hildegard’s songs are exceptionally calming, many expectant mothers choose Mother Heart as their birth music during labor and delivery.

Susan Lincoln on singing the music of Hildegard of Bingen: “Of all the different kinds and styles of music I have sung in my life, nothing has ever moved me like Hildegard’s inspired compositions. The melodies flow up and down the scale, as if following the flight of birds.

The language of Hildegard’s music further contributes to the mystery, reflecting her deep appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. Although some scholars fault Hildegard’s unschooled use of grammar, heart-connected students of her texts are awed by the poetic sensuousness and reverence she conveys.

Hildegard is particularly relevant for women today. Because she claimed her voice in loving service to the world, singing her music empowers us to do the same.”